Christmas : The only Time of the Year when you can sit in front of a Damn Dead Tree and eat Candies out of Socks.
It’s the time of a year when people forget their miseries and celebrate the days with Joy and Happiness. Did you ever heard of the fact that Christmas is a feeling, its magic is silent, you feel it, and you know it and you believe it. This magical feeling makes people to decorate their houses, apartments, indoors and outdoors. “Christmas decorations spike Dopamine, a feel good hormone”. Christmas Decoration triggers the Happiness hormones, the bright colours and lights. Chromotheraphy, or colour therapy, that increases the energy levels and boost joy and happiness inside you.
Who can resist Smiling looking at the Christmas tree for the first time? Neuro- Architecture “This is in other way called, devoted to the feeling of designed environment that effect the emotions and behavior“. So, who says architecture doesn’t triggers emotions? Each and every small elements of Christmas level up the amount of joy inside you. That amazing right? Well, a simple damn tree or some lights can affect us so much, You can see human beings are so vulnerable.
Well, in that case let me brief out some interesting elements of Christmas Decor.
Christmas Tree
Everyone knows Christmas, but why Christmas tree? Why crazy about a tree? Many people don’t even know, they just believe blindly. The evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years. It’s also called as “TREE OF LIFE”. The sign of everlasting life with God. That’s beautiful right?
Some people put up actual tree, some artificial and others idolizes the tree in many different interesting ways.

Happiness is Christmas

Christmas Garlands
Traditional garlands were circular in shape; they were “infinite,” like the love of Jesus.

It is supposed to possess mystical powers which bring good luck to the household and wards off evil spirits. Don’t say You never kissed under Mistletoe.

Christmas Ornaments
Ever wondered why even adults act like kids during this wonderful time of the year, decorating a tree , putting up socks, waiting for gifts? Here it is Christmas magic.

Christmas Lights
The lights are one of the most important part of Christmas decorations. That’s sets up the mood of Christmas.The custom goes back to when Christmas trees were decorated with candles and garland lights, which symbolized Christ being the light of the world

Here, to some Interesting Christmas Decors
Cozy Bedroom

Living Room

More Christmas Decors
And finally The Christmas Table…
Thank you, and Happy Holidays . Lets make a Christmas to Remember…..
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